Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week 2- Brandon Choi

Brandon Choi
ASA 002 A01
Week 2

“Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety” by OiYan Poon and Ajani Byrd talks about the idea that Asian Americans are highly influenced by their parents. Asian Americans are the fastest growing race in American undergraduates and 52% said that their parents are the most influential parent in their college decision making. Looking at the broad scheme of things, that number seems to be fair. Many Asians want to go to college in America to become successful and much of this want comes from the parents. Through traditions and values, there seems to be a lot of Asian Americans that abide to their parent’s main wishes. No matter if you are second or first generation, the parents will be very influential because of the value the parent’s words hold. I full heartedly agree that a lot of Asian Americans are guided by their parents because of the culture of Asian people. Personally, I found my mom to be a great resource and influencer in my college decision making as she knew a lot about the college world coming from her experiences applying and attending college. Now for a first-generation student looking to go to college in America, it will be different in that their parents might not have this knowledge of how college work, but they will still have a say and will still be influential because of the values. Parents all over the world are influencing their kids to pursue higher education and it seems to be working. Asian Americans have been populating American universities and schools quite rapidly and it comes to no surprise knowing how the custom and values are in Asian families. Even through my own personal experiences I can see this trait.

Does tiger mom anxiety prove to be negative or positive in the students life?

Poon, O. & Byrd, A.  (2013). Beyond Tiger Mom Anxiety: Ethnic, Gender and Generational Differences in Asian American College Access and Choices. Journal of College Admissions, 2013. Retrieved September 30, 2017

Kreiter, Suzanne. “College Counselors Advise Some Asian Students to Appear Less Asian - The Boston Globe.”, 1 June 2015,

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