Saturday, October 7, 2017

Week 3 - Jesse Huang

Jesse Huang
ASA 002- Section 01

In Kaozong N. Mouavangsou’s “Hmong Does Not Mean Free: The Miseducation Of Hmong Americans”, Kaozong extends her perspectives on how the Hmong community interacts with the US education system and how Hmong are viewed in America.

Hmong communities are often unheard of, the author herself described her experiences growing up as Hmong descent to be a isolated and misunderstood lifestyle. She relays, "As a Hmong American woman growing up in California, there were instances where I encountered many individuals who have not heard of the Hmong. I remember when I was in elementary and up until graduate school I would describe my people as, “a group of people who have no written language and no country of their own" (31). As many cultures have perpetuated the melting pot of America, numerous smaller cultures have been glossed over or seen as insignificant to be acknowledged. The Hmong community can be seen to be categorized into one of those smaller communities that are often disregarded or at worst not even acknowledged. A lot of this misdoing can be attributed to the harsh treatment of the US educational system where certain groups are favored to benefit more than others such as the Hmong. Hmongs are often left out of the public scrutiny which leads to more overshadowing of their community and culture. There are even cases where Hmongs misunderstand their own history or many are unaware of their own cultural heritage. I myself grew up in a family where cultural festivities and practices were encouraged and celebrated, so reading this piece made me appreciate my upbringing much more. Comparing the experiences of the Hmong people in the article and to my own, I can see a very stark difference in terms of awareness and representation among the cultures. Clearly, the US education system has its flaws when it comes to approaching minority groups which the author clearly perpetuates. Looking beyond this article, it becomes apparent that Asian American groups need to raise awareness concerning their cultural background and how it interconnects with challenging the US educational system.

How can minority groups raise more awareness concerning their situation in the US educational structure?Image result for Hmong in education

Education (new) – The Hmong Company. (n.d.). Retrieved October 07, 2017, from

Mouavangsou, K. N. 2016. Hmong Does Not Mean Free: The Miseducation of Hmong Americans. Retrieved October 6, 2017.

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