Monday, October 30, 2017

Week 8 Bailey Wang

Bailey Wang
Week 8

“What Asian Americans are Bringing to Campus Movements for Racial Justice” by Mark Putterman explains about the lack of representation in social movements for Asians on college campus. During social movements for other minority races, it appears that Asians do not belong to either groups: privileged or minority. The example movement shows how ostracized Asians are, thus showing that Asians have no place in either groups. Usually when an Asian thinks of college, they mostly just go to college to receive a degree and that’s all. It shows also that the only other Asian faculty are not within admissions, but instead, within the STEM related fields. With the lack of representation for Asians, they are unable to seek safe spaces and voice their own opinions on certain topics.
Personally, I never found myself into any club or social society, for the most part, I viewed college as a place to get a degree. It is also rare for me to take a class in a non-STEM related field with an Asian professor either, and majority of my STEM professors were Asians. I think that the lack of Asians in other fields holds back people’s understandings of Asians and Asian Americans.

Is it possible for Asians to seek more representation despite a board where there are a lack of Asians in it?

CAPAC. (2014). asian-american-model-minority-myths-broken. Retrieved from

Putterman, M. (2016, February 1). UC Davis Canvas Discovery. Retrieved from

Week 6 Bailey Wang

Bailey Wang
Week 6

Is Wi-Fi in Schools Safe? By Brian Spero explains the harmful effects of EMF radiation on developing children. Similar to smog, radiation is an invisible threat contributing to negative effects on children. Schools receive a stronger Wi-Fi service compared to the Wi-Fi used in homes. These Wi-Fi signals maintain a larger server size and are able to pass through solids such as cement. Despite the schools knowing about the harmful effects from these higher grade Wi-Fi services, they would rather allow their students to be put at harm rather than come forward and admit their mistakes.

The improvement in technology causes schools to rely on technological methods of teachings. From my experience, my high school recently obtained Chromebooks from the administration, thus, they started to change their teaching to accommodate the additional material. As well as in college, majority of the homework are due in a digital format, therefore, relying on a stable Wi-Fi service on campus. Schools always support the advancement of technology; however, never seem to explain the harmful effects of them. Since many schools acknowledges the harmful affects of EMF waves, it brings the question of whether they are contributing to the Rockefeller teachings.

Is it possible to teach material better without technology?

Spero, B. (2015, April 25). Is Wifi In Schools Safe. BostonParents Paper . Retrieved October 25, 2017, from
Thinkstockphoto. (2017). Boys using laptop in library. Retrieved from

Week 6 Thomas Tran A01

Electromagnetic fields of EMF is a form of radiation or invisible area of energy associated with modern use of electrical power; however this is what is harming children and adults today. The sources of the EMF Radiation is powerlines, computers, cell phones, and wireless internet (Wi Fi) networks. Camilla Rees, a investment banker by trade, feels certain EMF radiation poses a threat to individuals and wants to educate and raise awareness about the effects of EMF. Rees states that, although we think of ourselves as solid beings, but we are actually electromagnetic and the EMFs cause disruptions in our bodies along with cancer risks, behavioral changes, and sleep disorders. Wifi in schools as Rees states us harmful among children at the developmental stages and are most vulnerable to all forms of toxic exposure. For example, Wifi routers, the school ones, are so powerful due to higher wattage and configured to serve hundreds of users. Rees displays that EMF is a stressor and our body needs to rest and repair because the EMF radiation causes cognitive and physical fatigue and impairs learning that is most vulnerable for children.

In all honesty, I don't believe what Rees is saying because I simply don't believe in the EMF radiation. I believe that this new technology that children are engulfed is developing children's knowledge even further than it has ever been. As well I do not believe in that we are electromagnetic beings.

Does EMF radiation truly cause disruptions in our bodies and impairs learning for children?
Health Effects of EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields). (2017, March 15). Retrieved October 29, 2017, from

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Week 6- Deon Anthony A01

Deon Anthony
Week 6

In “Is Wi-Fi In Schools Safe?”, author Brian Spero discusses the health risks of electromagnetic field exposure. Living in a country with so much advanced technology, many of us have become unquestionably dependent on these advancements. Whether it be your smartphone or laptop, many can agree that they cannot live without it.  But the real issue is if you can live a healthy life with it? Spero mentions the health concerns that relate to EMF can range from “cancer risks and behavioral changes to cardiovascular irregularities and sleep disorders.” Spero also claims that children are more prone to developing health issues from these forms of toxic exposures because they are still at a developing stage. Thus leading to the risk of EMF in school settings. With a greater strength wifi at schools, we are exposed to more powerful EMF. While reading this article I was wondering, if this is true why would schools allow such health risks? After reading further on I came to the realization that school’s are also just part of a marketing business. After investing so much on these technologies, administrators would not want to agree or admit to the fact that their schools are unsafe for students.

Our schools have now been developed around technology. Using computers for essays, research, etc..  If we were to switch back to an education without technology,  what would be its replacement?

  1. Spero, B. (n.d.). Is Wi-Fi in Schools Safe?: Putting EMF Exposure on Your Radar of Potential Health Risks. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from
  2. Health Effects of EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields). (2017, March 15). Retrieved October 29, 2017, from

Week 6 - Adriana Goracci A01

The article: “Is Wi-Fi in Schools Safe- - Boston Parents Paper”, addressees the heath concerns related with the frequent exposure to technological devices which emit electromagnetic fields. In this article (addressed mainly to the parents of young children in schools), the author claims that the effects of the EMF on a human’s health are extremely harmful. Related concerns address cancer risk, cardiovascular irregularities, behavioral changes and sleep disorders. In addition, the author claims that the exposure to such devices can certainly contribute to degrading the physiological integrity of the system at the cellular and molecular level, and therefore represent a big contributor to diseases such as autism. However, the biggest concern is addressed towards the young learners in school, who at such young age are more easily influenced under all aspects.
As I was reading the article, I personally thought that the author was exaggerating the facts and that if it was really as damaging as she claimed it was, the government wouldn’t allow it in schools or some other form of action would take place in order to prevent it from happening, however in the section “Why isn’t more being done?” Rees explains the reason that hides behind the use of Wi-Fi in schools and the general positive thinking surrounding technology and that is not the innocuousness of these devices, but not surprisingly, is because of the marketing business. Of course, I believe that the continuous exposure to EMF will negatively affect the health of individuals, however, I think it is a very big challenge to change that. Today’s society revolves around technology, everything is done through the web: communication, interviews, job opportunities, learning, entrainment… And the reality is that we live in a world where we just can’t live without our cellphones, laptops, headphones, tablets etc. As much as I hate to admit it, I am addicted to my cellphone and although I know the negative effects of it I am not able to live without it, because everyone who surrounds me has it. In addition, I have never been exposed to real-life examples of the negative impacts that the author claims. Therefore, I think the right way to solve this 21st century issue is to raise as much awareness as possible and to limit the usage of these devices all together. Also, it is necessary to take action together as a community and eventually as a society because it is very difficult/impossible to quit when you find yourself in continuous exposure. 

Question: Even knowing the negative effects that these devices have on our bodies, how can we improve and fix this if everyone surrounding us is using them? We would get the same negative effects and causes even tho the waves don't originate from our devices. 

-       Spero, Brian. Is Wi-Fi in Schools Safe- - Boston Parents Paper. Boston Parents Paper.

-     “Seven Signs You're Addicted To The Internet.”, 18 Mar. 2015,

Seven Signs You're Addicted To The Internet