Sunday, May 3, 2015

Chenguang Yin
Week 6

This week’s reading is about how the US government treats toward terrorists. The reading “The USA PATRIOT Act: A Sketch” tells us some of actions to protect US citizen from terrorists. However, about these actions, many people have different idea. Many people believe that these actions challenge human right. Of course, nobody wants to be checked every day.

But, from another prospective, does anyone has better way to against terrorists?  Although many people’s email, message, contracts or internet records have been inspected, we have not had second 9/11 since 2001. We cannot deny that those actions are ineffective. Therefore, I agree with those acts, before a better plan being made. Although I hate my personal things being checked by others, I hate 9/11 more! 

Question: What is the effect of PATRIOT on Asian American?  

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