Week 9
In response to Why Chinese Mothers are Superior...
I was born in a more "western" manner. My parents let me follow my own passions which included sports and very little school. To say that I was a bad student is incorrect. I've never gotten a D in a class ever. I was not really pushed in school at all yet I am at Uc Davis. My sister took all the hardest classes in High School, she completed the IB diploma and is now getting straight A's as an engineering student at Oregon State. My parents did not push us like other asian parents but because we had friends who were academically driven, we became academically driven. My cousins are the exact opposite. Nathaniel got a full ride scholarship to Texas A&M after doing really well in the Pre-SAT. He is succeeding and has a well paying job right now but I believe that my sister and I are also succeeding in a different sense. Our achievements cannot be explained with dollar signs but I feel like I have a purpose and that I am happy. That's the key. I feel happy and so does my cousin. Is one way better or worse? I don't think so.
Question: Where do you draw the line between work and play?
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