Sunday, March 29, 2020

Mohinee Sharma ASA 2 A02 Week 1

The Coronavirus has drastically impacted the world at an alarming rate, and we are only seeing the numbers grow. With its origins in Wuhan, China, the virus has simultaneously brought on negative perceptions regarding Asian individuals. This discrimination has, in my opinion, added more fuel to the fire in regard to this global pandemic. Instead of the world coming together in order to fight this virus, many look to Asians as the source of the problem leading to attacks on the way they eat, clean, and overall live their lives. It seems as though many are using the virus as an excuse to justify their racism towards certain groups of color.

This has a major connection to Professor Valverde's article in which she discusses the struggles she has faced as a women of color in the world of Academia. Just as this global pandemic has brought along discrimination against Asian individuals, women of color have continued to face micro and macro aggressions stemming from the color of their skin and cultural background. This discrimination leads to a negative effect on mental health for these individuals. Similarly, along with this growing virus, many Asians are experiencing negative mental health as a result of the discrimination they are facing.

Therefore, my question surrounding this topic is are we ever going to see this type of racism end, or are people going to continue looking for ways to justify their discrimination?



Valverde, K.-L. C. (2013). Fight the Tower: A Call to Action for Women of Color in Academia. Seattle Journal for Social Justice, 12(2). Retrieved from

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