Sunday, May 3, 2015

Where is the privacy?

Yin He
Section 1
Week 6   

    After reading the “The USA PATRIOT Act: A Sketch”, I felt scared. From the article, it showed a lot of new actions after pass the USA PATRIOT Act. It seems all the action is saving us from the terrorists, but actually it doesn’t. Even thought all the actions are designed for against the domestic and international terrorists, what the standard is to show he/she is a terrorist or not. You never know that you are considered to a terrorist or not. It made people think that there are some people “look” at their life all the time. “Permit authorities to intercept communication to and from a trespasser within a computer system.” “Expands the prohibition against FISA orders based solely.” All the actions made we live under the eyes. Are we all the terrorists to the nation? The Act makes people feel uncomfortable. Where is the privacy? No more. No one has any privacy after pass the act. You never know when you will be a terrorist. You never know somebody is listening your phone. You never know somebody is checking your email or computer document. We become transparent in the country. Somebody maybe surveil you all the time because you are a “terrorist”.
Question: For the Act, is really able to against the terrorist attacks? Is the Act against the human right?

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