Sunday, May 3, 2015

Richard Yee: Response to CRS Report for Congress

I'll be honest, reading through this CRS report was very dry. And it makes it even scarier to me knowing how much this piece of legislation infringes on the rights of American citizens. After the incredible revelations of Edward Snowden, the age of Big Brother seems to be here. Knowing how much the government spies on us is terrifying. Furthermore, the amount of concern the average citizen has regarding this issue make this even worse. Many of the people I have talked to are not concerned they are being spied on because they're not doing anything illegal. While this may mean that nothing will happen to you, it's a violation of our basic privacies. This sense of easement comes from people trusting the government. Well just take a look at all of the atrocities and terrible things the government has done in the past. The government does not function with it's citizens interests much of the time. And allowing it to become more powerful through fear mongering seems unwise.

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