Saturday, May 2, 2015

U.S. is War

Drucella Anne Miranda
Section 01
Week 6

"Monster, Terrorist, Fag: The War on Terrorism and the Production of Docile Patriots" really brings me to sadness. I had first found out about the hatred towards brown people, specifically those of the Sikh religion, from watching the documentary Divided We Fall. It is quite apparent how well the government has hidden certain narratives in order to create a loyal citizen and a docile patriot. Violence outside the nation is no different than inside our borders. The images we see through the media and video games are a part of the media-military industrial complex. These images getting 'bombed' in our brain become engrained and supersede our humanity and empathy, so as to allow racial hatred and fear rule actions. I once was in an argument with a person enrolled in the military and we argued about the reasons going to war. He believed he was not a docile patriot because he said that if they had orders that he believed would harm civilians, he and his comrades would not follow them. But in a system where several people have no other choice but to join the military, they will follow orders. Several Americans have become blinded by believing that America knows best, and forget how we have always set up a system that is meant to harm everyone but the few. How do we begin to show people the poison they are being fed?

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