Sunday, May 3, 2015

A Response to "Monster, Terrorist, Fag: The War on Terrorism" by Mary Grafilo

Mary Grafilo
Section 2
Week 6
Heterosexual Patriotism and False Pretenses of Terrorism
I'm so excited by this article! Heterosexual patriotism is a concept I've never heard of but once I read it I completely understood it. From the iconic posters of Rosie the Riveter to American Girl Dolls to West Wing, 24, and other TV shows, there are typical gender stereotypes that are associated with patriotism. It's more frequent with posters, images, toys, or games because there does not need to be as much character development, while in TV shows it adds to the depth of characters to talk about their sexualities. However, I find this topic so interesting! 
It is ridiculous that terrorism is tied to a "failed heterosexuality". That is a far-fetched, outlandish claim and should not be tolerated. Because there are people out there that see heterosexuality as something that a person chooses, I can (barely) logically connect their thinking to their mindset.
Obviously, I don't agree with them whatsoever. It would be an interesting, but very incorrect assumption to make. 
It is also particularly horrifying that emasculating bin Laden now equates to revealing his "queerness". Wanting peace instead of war isn't manly either?
My question for this week is: How far can the ignorance go? I know it's not a question that should be answered, especially not with examples, but it pains me to see that there are people with this kind of thinking.

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