Sunday, May 3, 2015

The USA Patriot Act A Sketch

Mai Sy Vue
Section 1
Week 6

 In the article, “The USA Partriot Act A Sketch” by Charles Doyle, congress passed the an act after the terrorist attack on the two towers in New York on September 11, 2001. The act was called the USA Patriot Act which allowed federal officials to listen into all communications and new crimes, penalties and judgements were created. My first impression on this article after reading it was that I never knew that the US government went to such lengths after the attack. Security, rules and regulations became stricter and people had to penalize for it drastically. The destruction of the twin towers was horrific so I can understand why they went to such lengths however I also feel like this act has put more pressure on Asian Americans and other people of color living in America. There is more pressure because of discrimination and social barriers that cannot be crossed such as the fact that Asians came from Asia therefore there is a ‘chance’ that they are terrorist. The question is: Did this act have a positive or negative effect on Asian Americans and how?

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