Sunday, August 4, 2019

Jiaxiong Li Week 6 S1

Ping Wang has hit us with another raging poem about her experience with meeting His Holiness. In the case of context, I would assume the figure she is speaking about is the Pope of the Catholic Church because that is the only person that I know that is referred to as "his holiness." There is also another chance that his holiness is a figurative character which is used to symbolize a source of re-liberation and hope for the author. This symbol of hope and tomorrow is important for W.P. because she is suffering in a dark time against people that throw her down to "the bottom of the snake pit." She uses a lot and I mean a lot of anaphora in this poem as a rhetorical device and it really shows her strength in will that she will not give up because she continuously repeats certain phrases. I enjoyed finding subtle metaphors that connect to her feelings and what she trying to express. P.W. is a cool poet.

Image result for snake pit

Works Cited:
P W. My Kintsuki. UC Davis Canvas Discovery. Readings/Week6?preview=6353503. Accessed August 4, 2019.
Squad S. No, Cold Calling Isn't Diving Into a Snake Pit! Cold Call Coach. Published July 26, 2019. Accessed August 4, 2019.

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