Sunday, May 3, 2015

Using Gender and Sexuality as a Weapon

Brina Sylve
ASA 02 - A02
May 3, 2015
Week 6
In our heteronormative, anti-gay, homophobic, and white supremist country we have utilized gender and sexuality in such a way to combat terrorism and our everyday fears. For it has become quite normal for one to call a male some sort of homophobic or misogynistic slur in order to degrade him. But what the true terror is here is how we use homophobia and feminism to belittle enemies of the state and minimalize the cause or reasons why one would commit acts of terrorism.
If you think of little children who call each other names in order to hurt one another, they do so as to avoid accepting any responsibility for the confrontation. Unfortunately, the United States resembles these bickering children all too well as we paint portraits of terrorist leaders being penetrated anally or as "little sissies" instead of realizing that perhaps they have contributed to the causes that led up to the act of terrorism. For if we honestly considered our role behind acts of terrorism we would see that we put pressure onto the very blade lying on our wrists.

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