Friday, May 1, 2015

Tony Pham
Week 6

The Patriot Act allows for law enforcement to obtain private information from emails to phone calls. I find it interesting that there is so much scrutiny from Americans regarding this Act. There are a lot of people who believes this act is unconstitutional because it invades the rights and privacy of individuals. I believe that the government are doing their best to protect the general public and sometimes that calls for the need to bend rules. People have some misconception that the government is evil because they aren't a very transparent organization. I think that although the government can improve in their public relations area, the government has good intentions for the people it serves. Rules like the Patriot Act allows the government to do their job, which is to keep order within the states and safety among the people.

 What are some examples of the Patriot Act being used as it was intended to?

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