Sunday, May 3, 2015

Shadow Hacker America

Mae Wong
Section 1
Week 6

Who is considered to be an terrorist or not? The development of the Patriot Act allows no sense of privacy for the entire nation. We do not know if we are being watched or not. America uses the Patriot Act as a scapegoat to track any suspected terrorist.  In the article, "The USA PATRIOT Act: A Sketch" by Charles Doyle, it shows the benefits of the Patriot Act. For example, it says that it helped tracked any money laundering. But, I believe it is America's way of showing that they are constantly surveying who could be a suspected terrorist that is in the country and to secretly hold white supremacy because it changes America's view of other non-white people in the nation. It would make Southeast Asians or Asians, whom were in the country previously before September 11th,  seem to be terrorists. I think the act does not solve the issue of preventing terrorism because "terrorists" will always work around the system.  
Why say America is the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" when we do not have a sense of freedom?

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