Section 1
Week 6
In Response to "ASNE meme on the PAtriot Act II"...
The Patriot Act 2 has issues related to civil liberties just like the first patriot act. The article we read focuses on the first amendment, access to government information and newspapers. The act wants to increase surveillance authority, increase restrictions on access to government information and increase criminal provisions that might affect the first amendment protecting the right to free association.
I personally do not find this disturbing and am okay with it happening. I understand that racial profiling will occur but if a random stranger listens to my conversations and reads my private information and recognizes that I am a boring human being, I will go about my day the same way. If the information that is being learned about me is used in a personal way, then I'm obviously against it. Like many laws, the intent is fine but because humans are enforcing and following these rules, there will be loopholes and problems. Preventing catastrophe should be very important and hopefully this act would help.
When can personal freedoms be ignored to increase safety?

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