Response to: “Korean American Youth and Transnational Flows of Popular Culture Across the Pacific” by Jung-Sun Park
In this article, Park describes the transnational flow of pop culture, focusing mainly on the South Korean <-> America flow. The flow of culture has historically been from "the West to the rest", but is changing today with the ease of travel and the ease of sharing information. South Korean culture, in the form of K-pop and and dramas, initially spread to the rest of Asia (hanryu) and now is also popular in the west.
First gen immigrant youth (and further generations) in particular are in a weird spot about their own identities, and often will consume pop culture form their "homeland" in addition to consuming the culture of the place they live in. But living in a place where they form a minority like America can make people feel like outsiders, so youth might gravitate more towards the culture of their homeland.
Question: Now that I think about it... WHERE are the Asian American music artists? And this is pure guessing, but when will we see asian american musicians in the mainstream?

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