Sunday, June 28, 2020
Emery Nguyen ASA 002 001 Week Two

Emery Nguyen ASA 002 001 Week One
Qi Chen ASA002 001 Week1 Blog
Starting from the initial burst of Covid-19, the trends of the news have changed a lot. From purely the reports of rates of infections, death, and recovery to the policies, racial hates and something that are not quite related to the coronavirus, the news is all connected to the virus with all the different voices oversea. The coronavirus was firstly reported in Wuhan, China, and the source of infections was initially detected to be the bats. As investigations became deeper, the source of infection was determined to be Paguma larvata. However, as the source being revealed, the country of origin became skeptical. Many countries proposed differently with their evidence that also lead to international “conflict” with all the adverse news and voices to those countries. With all the overwhelming news, what should we believe? As a person who is curious about the facts, I discovered that when people post their comments or make their proposals on platforms like social media, some of them exist a kind of behaviors that are referred to as the concept, “unconscious bias,” in the textbook. The “unconscious bias” refers to a phenomenon in which “dominant group members” unconsciously favor their own group, which means that many people post comments unintentionally based on the evidence from their own countries. Those comments also potentially induce national hates and even racial hates. Furthermore, with the requests of wearing masks coming out, the hates and conflicts became even worse, especially for Asians (Americans) in the US, some people start to use violence and insult them even on campus. After the requests became accepted in the US, Asians are seemed to be “treated” better, but without much news, it is still hard to tell if the condition has become better or not.
Here is an example of a skeptical claim about the country of origin of COVID_19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=28&v=9DhV-1LDmp4&feature=emb_logo
Valverde, K. C., & Dariotis, W. M. (2020). Fight the tower: Asian American women scholars
resistance and renewal in the academy. New Brunswick, Camden, and Newark, New Jersey, and London, Rutgers University Press.
Peter Beaumont (2020), “Where did Covid-19 come from? What we know about its origins,”the Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/01/could-covid-19-be-manmade what- we-know-about-origins-trump-chinese-lab-coronavirus
Yuwei Wang ASA 002 001 Week 1 Blog

Yuwei Wang ASA 002 001 Week 2 Blog
Today I continued to read “Fight the Tower” by Valverde and Dariotis. In the chapters I read today, the author describes the unfair things experienced by Asian American People. While talking about this issue, it is easy for us to think about the famous Harvard University lawsuit happening last year: Asian Americans with high grades and many activities are waitlisted and finally failed to enter the university because of their race. Sadly, this is not a single example.

This is a chart of the different college admission rate in different SAT ranges of four major race in the US: White, Black, Hispanic and Asian. Surprisingly, Black was the race with higher admission rate in most SAT ranges, then followed Hispanic, when the SAT score exceeds 1200, its admission rate even exceeds the white. The results made me think of a case I read in the news. A boy from India had an interview of a college, then he was rejected. But after that, he used his dark skin color to pretend as a black international student, while all other factors remained the same (of course, not the same, but not better than the previous attempt). This time, he was admitted. This is enough to reveal this issue. But why Asian faces often had low admission rate?
Still, stereotype. According to Valverde and Dariotis, Asian Americans are falsely perceived as “passive and without the desire, ability, or resources to advocate for themselves”. (Valverde&Dariotis, 2020) This somewhat “weak” stereotype makes their single voice muted by others, carrying the bad endings themselves. But what about multiple voices? In the book, Valverde has started “Fight the Tower” campaign, in which calls Asian American people to resist. I really appreciate the courage in the raiser and her member’s soul. I believe the situation will be far better with the campaign being raised.
Monday, June 1, 2020
Mattia Sayson ASA 002 A02 Week 10
Valverde, K.-L. C., & Dariotis, W. M. (2020). Fight the tower: Asian American women scholars resistance and renewal in the academy. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, pp.369-380.
Frank Sang A04 Week10
Question: is there any limitation for a proper protest?
Dakss, B. (2020, June 1). U.S. braces for more unrest as Trump berates "weak" governors. Retrieved from https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/george-floyd-death-protests-unrest-disorder-2020-06-01/
Yidi Chen A02 Week 10
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Yandong Zhang ASA2 A04 Week 10

Bowen Xu, A04, Week 10
ASA 002 A04
During this semester, we read the book "Fight the Tower" in depth. This weekend's reading is more like a summary of the whole book, as well as the creators' original intention of their own creation and their understanding of "fight". The author mentions a core point that people must stay awakened and put this conscious resistance into action. The article reviews the author's central ideas and the people affected by this core idea. That is the Asian women, and all the persecuted scholars, which is the so-called "our people." The author lists many ways of struggle, such as literature and art, such as establishing a typical image and fighting with various kinds of efforts To shape everyone into an affected community, and encourage people to substantively fight for injustice.

In my opinion, substantive struggle is still a very long process for Asians. The ethnic personality of Asians and their less urgent social status have left many people “unawakened.” But in fact, such resistance is ultimately decentralized and has no major effect. For example, the vast majority of asa 002 are Asian students, and the voice of Asian scholars is still selectively ignored by other races. On the other hand, it is precisely because of the spirit of resistance of the Blacks that the violent protests of the recent days have raised the influence of the race, making them more and more indisputable. Of course, I am not encouraging anti-social riots and attacks on civilians. I just think that sometimes we can learn a little bit about the practices and essence of other races in the civil rights movement, or maybe our situation can change a lot.
Yidan Xu ASA 002 A04 Week 10
All these unfair treatments are what intensive people fight back. People have to fight the injustice and discrimination by calling it out, support each other, and gather together to stand out a place for themselves. Staying silent cannot change anything but lead to worse conditions. What we talked about doesn’t just apply to academia, it applies everywhere. Also, the discrimination between different-colored is only between whites and Asian Americans. Recently, something causes huge influence happened. Protests erupt for a sixth day across the US in over thirty cities because of the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. And up to yesterday, at least 40 cities have imposed curfews and National Guard members have been activated. This was not only about a man died due to the police's oppressive conduct. This brought up one of the most serious problems in US-Blacks and Whites. This is not about Asian American but similar racial discrimination we have to face.

Qi Chen A04 Week10
Qi Chen
Week 11
ASA 004
How Asians Fight for Their Right
This quarter 's ASA course came to an end with the outbreak of Coronavirus. From the beginning to the peak of the epidemic, we have witnessed how the epidemic, directly and indirectly, affects our life. What shocked me recently was the time when police brutality in Minnesota led to the death of the black. This incident has been fermented all over the United States, and even expanded to Canada, Britain, and other places. A large number of American citizens took to the streets to "uphold justice" for the black men who died miserably, especially the black people. They went to the streets to protest "for their own races" in this incident. In the outbreak stage of the world, only the United States has such cases. I can understand the angry behavior for the death of their compatriots, but I can't understand the purpose of such behavior at this special time. As more and more people gather on the streets, they will have a greater chance of contracting pneumonia, which will bring more difficulties to the medical community in the United States. It's controversial, not to mention the bad behavior of street protesters in setting the fire, looting supermarket goods, smashing glass, and attacking police. I want to discuss the importance of a race's voice for the sacrifice of a compatriot and the views of Asians on similar events.In the conclusion of Fight the Tower, I recognize the saying "To die for one’s people is a great sacrifice. To live for one’s people, an even greater sacrifice. I choose to live for my people." In this case in Minnesota, I saw a lot of discussions among Asians. Many people have expressed that black people can obtain so many rights and respect in the short term in the United States because they dare to fight for rights in society, while Asians are still discriminated against and looked down upon for hundreds of years after immigrating to the United States. Whether this is because Asians are unwilling to fight for their own nation or sacrifice for their own. First of all, as an Asian, I don't think that's completely right, but it's not completely wrong. The Minnesota case is a chain event, which can not be explained in a single sentence. But when Asians encounter the same incidents, I don't think most people will choose violent protests. I believe that there will be protests and processions, and a large number of Asians will also make their voices heard in the media and professional fields, but the behavior is different from that of today's protests. Many people think that Asians are humble and law-abiding. In fact, I don't think this view is completely wrong, but it doesn't mean that Asians won't fight for the race, just that such a fight is not fierce. Nowadays, there are many Asians who are writing for their own race and making society pay attention to Asians. As the author of this book and its participants. But seeing this incident in Minnesota, and based on my observation of similar incidents. I have come to realize that a peaceful voice is always ignored. No other race would choose to read a book about Asian' unfair experiences, and few people from other races would come to listen to lectures about Asian American Studies. And then I can understand that black people fight for their own interests, which is effective from experience, but it undoubtedly destroys social order and makes many people sacrifice. It is painful and contradictory to acquire rights, and it is also very difficult and worth discussing to fight for our own nation.
Question: Do Asians have to be more aggressive to gain rights and respect more effective.
Yuanji Zhao Week 10 A03
Week 10 blog
In the end, I think protists may not be the best way to conmmunicate with the goveronment if they will lead to harm or even death, but as long as the spirit of fighting for justice is still inside people's heart, everything can be done to accomplish this ultimate goal.
Itsumi Nagakura - Week 10 - A04
If I were to explain things according to the title, I would say that for Asian-Americans in higher education the power is in the faculty and for Black Americans, it is in the police. Our resistance is against the institutions and our wokeness is to realise how we fit and play into the model minority myth while Black Americans have been woke to the racism they face every day. I see Asian-Americans complaining about how they wish people would be this angered when COVID-19 happened. While I understand their anger and cannot deny that a part of me feels the same way, I have to understand that we just simply don't get KILLED BY THE POLICE because of our skin colour. In fact, Asian/Pacific Islanders have a lower lifetime risk of being killed by the police than White people (Edwards, Lee, & Esposito, 2019).
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Edwards, Lee, & Esposito, 2019 |
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Payne, 2003 |
Works Cited
Zitong Wang, A03, week 10

Sally Tran, A01, Week 10
Matthew Ko ASA 002 A01 week 10
One question that I have is: what will it take to get more and more Asian Americans to start speaking up itself? And, what are the steps we can take to get mote people of color to become police officers?

Fight the Tower: Asian American Women Scholars' Resistance and Renewal in the Academy, by Kieu-Linh Caroline Valverde and Wei Ming Dariotis, Rutgers University Press, 2020, pp. 423-441.
Malik, Mayeen. (2020) "George Floyd: How Asian Americans Failed Black Americans in the Struggle for Racial Justice" [Photograph] Retrieved from:
Xin Nie, A04, week 10
(n.d.). Retrieved May 31, 2020, from http://www.cheerinus.com/news/bencandy.php?fid=51
JIaying Li ASA 002 A01 Week 10
Songmin Li ASA002 A04 Week 10
Plus, It's worth mentioning the Japanese word "Kintsuki", meaning "repair with gold". Repair does not highlight the hidden fracture, but rather highlights the part of repairing, which shows the beauty that occurs during the fracture and repair process. I think it symbolizes her experience in academia and her whole past. Throughout her life, he has experienced continual suppression and discrimination, and while accepting those pain, she has chose to fight back, to break the "rules", to try to change the whole mold of industrialized academia environment. She has repaired not only her own mood and life, but the ethos and "conventions" of the academic world as a whole. When she has walked these paths, she can feel her own professional self-worth and "the beauty that occurs during the repair process." I taste the liberation and the relief from this poem.
What's more, through the article “Conclusion: Academic Awaken: Power, Resistance, and Being Woke”, which is the end of the book Fight the Tower, I deeply feel that in order to pursue equality and relative freedom, people really need a lot of effort, especially for minority groups. The women of color in the American academic community experienced many unsuccessful failures and frustrations. Although there are many areas where anti-discrimination is expressed on the surface now, such "invisible discrimination" still exists. I also know that rights of women were strived with a severe path, that it is a paved road with tears and blood donation. Not only is it necessary for women to speak for women, but for colored people. We need men to speak for women, and mainstream people to speak for minorities.
Image from: https://aapr.hkspublications.org/2017/04/17/foreword/
Valverde, K.-L. C., & Dariotis, W. M., (2020). Fight the tower: Asian American women scholars
resistance and renewal in the academy. Rutgers University Press.
Chiyuan Zhang Week 10
Yvonne Chen, ASA 02 A01, week 10

1. Valverde, Kieu-Linh Caroline, and Wei Ming Dariotis. Fight the Tower: Asian American Women Scholars Resistance and Renewal in the Academy. Rutgers University Press, 2020.
2. US News, and Trump Presidency. “Minneapolis Police Station Torched Amid George Floyd Protest.” Www.theepochtimes.com, 29 May 2020, www.theepochtimes.com/national-guard-called-to-respond-to-minneapolis-violence_3368853.html.