Sunday, April 12, 2015

The meaning of college education

ASA 002
Section 1
Chenguang Yin

          Many politicians are use education as a topic to debate racial issues, so that there are many effective movement which happened in campus. However, I think this is dead wrong. I think college is a place to provide better education to those people who have talent. Therefore, the only requirement of entering university is talent. College is the most important place to provide intelligence and creativity. For example, why does Silicon Valley become the core area of technology in the world? The reason is that the best university in the world such as Stanford University and UC Berkeley is transferring talents everyday! These universities have the most intelligent and famous professors, best equipment and facilities in the world. Just imagine, how can these universities transfer talent if students are not able to understand what their professors are saying. Therefore, best university needs best students. If people emphasize too much about diversity, it may cause loss of talents students.

          Also, I want to use my experience to talk about why Asians are called "smart". In my country, especially in my province, there will be at least  half million students taking College Entrance Exam and only 20 thousand students can get admissions from universities. The admission rate is only 4%. We are not smarter than other people, we study harder! In the high school, I took 9 classes everyday. This phenomenon does not only happen in China, but also in Japan, Singapore. Because of the super-high competition, we are so called "smart". Now, I am wondering, for these Asian students with very high talent, who are seeking the best education the world, is it fair to eliminate the chance because of diversity?

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