Sunday, April 26, 2015

Reflection of “Empire of Death and the Plague of Civic Violence”

Rong Zhao
ASA 2 Blog 5

Reflection of “Empire of Death and the Plague of Civic Violence”

When we talk about United States in world stage, the first impression comes to my mind is “world police”. From my opinion, U.S. prefers to communicate through a violent way after world war two. It involves in the Korean War, Vietnam War, and Middle-East War when those countries were trying to have political changes and U.S. wanted to interfere and control the future of those countries. Sometimes, people need revolution to eliminate government corruption and promote the society to better place. For example, France and Russia both have their own revolutions. French people and activists broke monarchy and turn their country into liberalism. Unites States want to maintain its first place by involving in these countries domestic policies and such movement offend local people because it’s another oppression. The government provides economic benefits to U.S. in exchange of military protection and the people suffer under their rules. My question is why United States always so tough and solid on negotiating table? From the perspective of global home, we should think and act not only from our own stands and interest, but try to understand the others’ feelings.


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