Sunday, April 19, 2015

Fighting Privatization, Occupy Activists at CUNY and UC Kick Into High Gear

Yi Zhou
Section 001
Week 4 Reading
ASA 002       

After reading “Fighting Privatization, Occupy Activists at CUNY and UC Kick Into High Gear”, I remember that during November 2014, I have met a marching when I was in Bank of America. Lots of students came into the bank in downtown Davis when I was talking to the banker. Students were very aroused, and one of the student gave a short but powerful speak in the front of all the staffs of Bank of America. At that time, I did not know why the marching would come to the bank. I just knew that students protested higher tuition, but I had no idea why Bank of America would involve in this. Until today I read this article I finally understand. The raise of tuition is terrible news not only for American students but also for international students. The tuition of international students is almost three times of the tuition of Native Americans. Although my parents can afford my tuition, I still feel very sorry when I ask my father to transfer money to me. My parents give up their comfortable life, but work hard in order to give me a better education. The raising tuition is a big burden for my family especially it is more difficult for international students to apply for scholarship and loan. I hope Davis can give us a reasonable reason of rising tuition instead of telling us that they need money on school construction. The main body of school is students, and school should care more about its students.


What are the differences between public schools and private schools in the United State? 

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