Sunday, April 26, 2015

Empire of Death and the plague of Civic Violence

Yi Zhou
Section 002
ASA 001
Week 5 reading

The article “Empire of Death and the plague of Civic Violence” introduces several different types of murders and their background. I have noticed that there are two similar cases, one is Ted Bundy and one is Kdmund Kemper. They were both very good students in their academic work. They both had very high IQ and are “good students” in others views. However, because some bad memory or experiences in their childhood, they became very crazy and chose to kill people instead of normal life. There are also some similar people in China. One famous case is Jiajue MA. He was a good student with high academic scores in the university. However, the poverty and bad experience in his childhood made him very sensitive. He thought everyone was laughing at him when he talked. He killed all his roommates and finally caught by police. According to these cases, childhood experience is a very important element to people’s personality. Some “High GPA” students may have dark and crazy inner side.

Question: Could we differentiate murders from normal people in daily life?

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