Thursday, April 23, 2015

Empire of Death and the Plague of Civic Violence – Darrell Y. Hamamoto

Herman Sok
Section 001
Week 5

                In the article “Empire of Death and the Plague of Civic Violence”, Darrell Y. Hamamoto brings to light the correlation of militarized citizens relieved of service and possessions of weapons with homicides by veterans. I want to believe that the examples used in this article are only rare and extreme cases of veterans. It is frightening to hear of such serial killers and mass killings. I am not a supporter of violence. If you can prove to me that taking away all guns will end all violence, I most likely let you take away guns. My main concern is on the topic of veterans.

This topic resonated with me because a friend of mine just joined the US army a few months ago. I am happy for him because he believes that joining the army will give him some direction in his life. I have high hopes for him and am not too worried about him returning as a psychopath. I am more worried about the way the US treats veterans upon his return. I have heard stories of US veterans being neglected and left to die out so that the truth of the war can be forgotten. I want to believe that veterans will have a home and a system that cares for veterans upon their safe return.

Is there a good solution for homicidal veterans that return from service as the ones pointed out in this article? I think the realistic first person shooter games of today seem like decent alternatives.

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