Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Don't Kill People Please

Week 5
Richard Nguyen
Section 001
April 22, 2015

            After reading Empire of Death and the Plague of Civic Violence, I  have become more aware of the different types of murders there are in society. It is quite frightening to here that people out there would kill other for their own pleasure, even though there might be a psychological reasoning to the crimes they are committing. What is surprising to me is that I did not know there were so much mass murders in history. I have heard of serial killers like Charles Manson and Ted Bundy, but not others like Robert Ressler and Charles Whitman. I truly believe that there should be a course in the university system that teaches students about the history of mass murders and serial killers in the world and the psychological reason behind them. This will help keep students informed about the history of violence in the United States. It is really sad to read that a lot of these serial killers are men from the United States army. The United States need to help invest their time and money on helping United States veterans on combating their post traumatic disorders. The war in Vietnam played a major role in the race murder acts in Vietnam. A lot of murders were targeting "yellow" victims because of the experiences they have endured during the war. Let's hope in the future that science can help individuals with psychotic behaviors, so we will not have more killings in our home.


Question: What are some similarities in the brain anatomy of the majority of serial killers?

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